By now many of you will know that John is heavily involved with helping local Charity Bowel Cancer West and last year he organised an event called “The Devon and Cornwall Backyard Ultra” in order to try and raise some much needed funds for this excellent charity.

What is a Back Yard Ultra?
The concept is simple. Run 4.167 miles every hour, on the hour. The aim is to complete as many laps as you can!
Each circuit starts on the hour and must be completed in less than 60 minutes. When each lap is completed, the remaining time within the hour is typically used to recover for the next circuit.
Everyone completes hourly circuits until there is only one runner still going. They are the event winner!
The current world record for a Backyard Ultra is 354 miles or 85 hours! How far can you go?
The 2022 event went well and John is going to run the event once again at Newnham Park in Plympton on Saturday the 2nd & 3rd of September. With any luck it will be an even bigger event with more participants. We have even managed to convince some of our staff to take part!

Sponsorship Opportunities
Ideally we are looking to cover all costs by some of our generous clients and local businesses sponsoring the event which will enable all entry fees to the event to be 100% passed to the charity.
Last year we were lucky enough to have a number of our brilliant clients sponsor this event, you know who you are, and ourselves and Bowel Cancer West were so grateful.
The total costs of this event is in the region of £5000. As you can guess, the biggest cost being the land charges for the weekend.
The Backyard Ultra events are now a worldwide brand and so the potential audience for sponsors is significant.

As I am sure you are aware, sponsorship is a fully tax deductible expense for a business and so therefore a great way to help a cause or community AND receive some tax relief for your generosity should you be able to help.
Ideally we would like to secure a headline sponsor and a series of additional sponsors for the event.
Here is a breakdown of levels of sponsorship:
Headline sponsor – £1500 – We are so excited to have tentatively secured this already!!
Website sponsor – £500
Lighting sponsor – £500
Timing sponsor – £500
Medical sponsor – £500
Marshal sponsor – £200
Photography sponsor – £200
Marquee Sponsor – £500
Merchandise and medal sponsor – £500
Portaloo & hygiene sponsor – £750
All sponsors will have social media exposure via the Back Yard Ultra, Best Accountancy and Bowl Cancer West Platforms, and logos on the T shirts of course! Links to these websites are below:
Backyard Ultra | Just one more loop
The Backyard Ultra – Brought to you by Bowel Cancer West
Home – Best Accountancy
Bowel Cancer West – find out all you need to know here

If you would like to get involved and take up some sponsorship, it would be greatly appreciated, you will be helping a great cause and help raise awareness for this charity.
If you are feeling brave and would like to have an entry to the event this can also be arranged!
Please do respond if you would like to take the opportunity to be involved with this fun and ever-growing event.
We will happily make some joint sponsors, if you would like to make an offer we would be happy with any amount and use it to cover any of the above costs 😊
Many thanks
The Best Accountancy Team